The Black Ring

I have been working on preparing a second edition of The Black Ring since September 6, 2020. I’m not there yet, but the end is in sight, in the not too distant future.

Had it been a second edition of just one book — say A Thing Forgotten, which needs a corrected second edition — it could have been done easily, in just a week or two. But The Black Ring is six volumes in a numbered series, which adds complications at Amazon and at Bowker (where you get ISBNs) and possibly at the U.S. Copyright Office as well. And each book needed lots of re-readings and corrections and revisions. And formatting. And cover adjustments. Sigh.

But it is coming along. After it’s done, I would like to start something new. Or get back to Star Kings, or The Empty House. But I intend to take an extended break first.