A New Beginning

I had hoped to post this earlier, but we have been living in interesting times, according to that old curse. The greatest distraction has been a major health issue. The prognosis is very good, but it’s going to take three months or so for the issue to resolve itself. 

I have, nonetheless, started work on my next project. I will use ‘The Baron’ as a working title, even though the hero is not a baron. It’s a very old idea, going back decades. I have no record of that time. It has frequently been a part of my idle fantasies, thinking about it whenever I had nothing else to do — waiting at airports, in doctor’s offices, trying to go to sleep, for example. I am recently more semi-aware of it in the back of my mind, which is why I decided to go ahead and write it at last.

It takes place in the same world as A Thing Forgotten [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0998546798], but it is not a sequel or prequel, just another story about that world and its people. Not all stories which are set in Los Angeles, or Chicago, need to have anything to do with each other. They are just settings. New York is a common setting for I don’t know how many separate stories. But I really like the Thing Forgotten world, and I’ve always wanted to go there again. I began to develop that world and it’s culture in my imagination when I was first thinking about ‘the Baron’, though I didn’t write anything about it. I used it for Thing because, by the time I started working on it, that world was fully developed, in notes and maps and sketches, and in my mind.

Just to make it clear, I use the word ‘hero’ to signify the protagonist of my stories, whether male or female. For me, the ‘heroine’ is a secondary character who needs rescuing or something (what if the person who needs rescuing is a guy?) while the ‘hero’ is the man or woman who moves the story along (as well as doing the rescuing, if needed.) Lara Croft is the hero of the Tomb Raider series of games and movies. In my The Black Ring (volume one here: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0998546739], my hero is Jeanette Delgado, twenty three years old, almost five feet tall, maybe ninety eight pounds, overly protected growing up, and recently widowed by a freak accident. She is chosen by powers she does not understand (neither did I at the beginning) to make a heroic choice, becomes the hero in fact, and eventually accepts that role. (She does, in fact, rescue several guys.) Her story lasts for the first five volumes of The Black Ring, and then she learns that a new hero must take over to finish the story in volume six. Jeanette’s story has been just a small part of something that has been going on for about 1700 years.

My hero in ‘The Baron’ has been discharged from the army (in A Thing’s world) after serving nine years in a terrible war, and is physically and emotionally scarred. He is looking for a nice quiet place to pull himself together, but is told that he is needed in another country, as he is the only survivor of an ancient household, and must take it over so that it can continue. Being the kind of person that he is, he goes there, even though he really, really doesn’t want to. He learns a lot about his role in the household, in the county, in the state, in the country, and grows into the kind of ‘baron’ he is supposed to be, and becomes content with that. Or something. I’ve got sketches of seven chapters so far. This is going to take a while. 

I have, throughout the years, told myself many parts of this story, and now I have to get them all down into editable text. And then arrange them in the proper order. And discover for myself any other events or situations or settings which deserve a chapter of their own. I enjoy doing this, despite unavoidable outside distractions which cut my time short.

A cousin with whom I am corresponding wrote, in response to something that I had told her, that she hoped that I would find something that I really wanted to do. I told her that writing my stories was what I really wanted to do, and getting them published is kind of nice too. 

And there may be another story later. Story 23. Maybe.